miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

100 seconds test - Prueba de los 100 segundos

How many right answers can you type in 100 seconds?
Click here or on the picture

¿Cuántas respuestas correctas puedes escribir en 100 segundos?
Haz clic aquí o en la foto


martes, 18 de diciembre de 2018

DIVISION + division game

For those who have forgotten about how to calculate division:

Video: The idea of division.

Video: Quotiens that are multiples of 10.

Video: Division problem.

Video: Division problem.

Para Ian:  (other students are very welcome to watch them too)
Harder divisions. Link to first video. Once you are on the website click on next videos to watch them all.
Divisiones más difíciles. Enlace del primer vídeo. Una vez estés en la otra web, pasa a los siguientes videos desde esa misma página.

To play DIVISION GAME click here or on the picture
Para jugar al JUEGO DE DIVISIONES haz click aquí o en la foto
You can choose easy (FÁCIL) or difficult (DIFÍCIL) level...

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018

to Montie

Please Montie, play these files at the same time you read the script:

Audio 1

Audio 2

It would be better if you played them in a tablet or in a mobile phone as they already have the software you need to listen to the audios. The laptop is likely not to be able to play these files.
Good job this week, Montie.

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2018

Other maths games

Amy, Sacha, Marley, Blake and James:  please click here to play.
You can also try next game, if you like.
Amy, Sacha, Marley, Blake y James: haced clic aquí para jugar.
También podéis probar el siguiente juego si queréis.

Ian, Montie, Sophie: please click here to play.
Ian, Montie y Sophie: haced click aquí para jugar.


All students:

Click here to paint squares. Use the time tables to paint:

  • every two squares
  • every three squares
  • every four 
  • every five
  • every six
  • every seven
  • every eight
  • every nine
  • every ten
  • every eleven
  • every twelve

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - Import / Export

Find the definition of these terms:

  • to import
  • to export
Write them down on your IPC Geography book.

Then, click here to download file and complete the task.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

MP2 (Years 3 and 4)

Please complete the World Cup fact sheet before Wednesday 13th June (hand in on Wednesday morning, latest).

MP2 (Years 3 and 4) English

Please complete the spellings worksheet for Monday

MP3 English

MP3 need to finish their work on the persuasive letter. Please write a second draft having read the notes about how to improve the work.

In addition, if the spelling work was not finished during the lesson, please complete this.

Both items should be handed in on Monday.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018


Find here the PowerPoint file about Canal de Panamá and Canal de Suez

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - AEROPUERTO - Spanish lesson

Haz click aquí para ver salidas del aeropuerto:


Haz click aquí para ver llegadas al aeropuerto:


Ejemplo de ejercicio:

El vuelo a Madrid sale a las once y treinta y cinco.

El vuelo de Barcelona llega a las diez y cuarto.

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - FAIR TRADE

Please click on the following links:

I will tell you what the task is when we all are in computer room.

MP2 - Spellings

Please learn this week's spellings for Tuesday's test.

Please also complete spelling worksheet to be handed in on Monday 11th June

MP3 - Spellings

Please learn weekly spellings for Tuesday's test.

Also, complete spelling worksheet for Monday.

lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018

jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - GAZPACHO recipe

Click here to get the Gazpacho Recipe. Find out what are the nutritional properties of all the ingredients. Also do some research to find out where the ingredients are cultivated in Spain.

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - Your PLANT LIFE CYCLE presentation

As you asked me to do, I have uploaded all your files about Plant Life Cycle. Please, click on your name to download yours. Edit it and bring it back to lesson tomorrow Tuesday 8th May 2018.

See you tomorrow.

Maxi English reading

Maxi is to read "All About Ocean Life" at home before w.c. 14th May. He will be asked to answer a few questions about the book next week to demonstrate his understanding.

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - Plants in the dark

Please, use these pictures as well to make comments about what happens to plants when they grow in the dark. Do you think they are the same strong as the ones which grew up in the sun? Can you notice any difference in their colours?

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - IMAGES (your plants)

You can use any of these images to illustrate your presentation.