viernes, 23 de febrero de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & year 6). Winter Olympics Pyeongchang 2018

This is going to be a very easy task :-)

Remember you have been assigned one country to support at Olympics. The most of you asked me to assign you one more country, so there you are... Check the list, click in the corresponding link and copy in a sheet the results to complete the grid when you get back from holidays.

jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6). Building a house.

This YouTube link will take you to a video which is the first of a series of  40 videos aprox. These videos are about how to build a house the Spanish way nowadays, using the usual materials for any new house in this country. Each video is about 5 minutes long, but they will help you see the differences between Spanish constructions and any other style. When you watch these videos, please try to find out how construction is made in your country of origin and make a comparison (foundation, walls, roof, materials, tools, machinery, etc). Take notes and bring them to school to continue doing your presentation on PowerPoint.

miércoles, 14 de febrero de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & year 6). SPANISH READING.

Nothing to do with St Valentine, but this text is about the human heart.
Please, try understand everything from this short text. You can use a dictionary.
To read the text click here.


Recommended article about Guatemala, topic of the presentation which took place at school last Thursday (in Spanish).
Lectura recomendada sobre Guatemala, tema sobre el cual se centró la presentación que tuvo lugar en el colegio el pasado jueves (en Español).

viernes, 9 de febrero de 2018

MP3 Homework for Monday 12th Feb. 5 Maths questions from the printout provided, no's 25-29.

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

MP3 Spanish Vocab assessment Wed14th Feb (year 5 & year 6)

Students please remember about your 2 pages of Spanish vocab that I provided you with.
Do not panic, you know them already!

MP3 HOMEWORK for Friday 9th Feb. (Year 5 & year 6).

MATHS. Solve this real life problem.

How many packs of 7 trading cards can be made from these numbers of cards:

a) 8352      b) 5239      c) 7468