miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - Import / Export

Find the definition of these terms:

  • to import
  • to export
Write them down on your IPC Geography book.

Then, click here to download file and complete the task.

viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

MP2 (Years 3 and 4)

Please complete the World Cup fact sheet before Wednesday 13th June (hand in on Wednesday morning, latest).

MP2 (Years 3 and 4) English

Please complete the spellings worksheet for Monday

MP3 English

MP3 need to finish their work on the persuasive letter. Please write a second draft having read the notes about how to improve the work.

In addition, if the spelling work was not finished during the lesson, please complete this.

Both items should be handed in on Monday.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018


Find here the PowerPoint file about Canal de Panamá and Canal de Suez

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - AEROPUERTO - Spanish lesson

Haz click aquí para ver salidas del aeropuerto:


Haz click aquí para ver llegadas al aeropuerto:


Ejemplo de ejercicio:

El vuelo a Madrid sale a las once y treinta y cinco.

El vuelo de Barcelona llega a las diez y cuarto.

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & 6) - FAIR TRADE

Please click on the following links:

I will tell you what the task is when we all are in computer room.

MP2 - Spellings

Please learn this week's spellings for Tuesday's test.

Please also complete spelling worksheet to be handed in on Monday 11th June

MP3 - Spellings

Please learn weekly spellings for Tuesday's test.

Also, complete spelling worksheet for Monday.