lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

MP3 (year 5 & year 6) - KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT. For tomorrow Tuesday 6th March.

  • Explain how to get to your house from school (or from school to your house). You can use a map and label it.
Some students have forgotten in the  classroom the map I printed out for you.
You can do your research again if case it was you. Click here.
If you click in Directions and type from: (your address) to: (kiddibank) 
you will get the map you need for your indications.

  • Mention recognizable places which are near your house.
REMEMBER: the aim of this exercise is that you know well the place where you live and also you are able to explain how to get there. This week you are going to do some research about the town you are going to visit the next school trip, but first it is better you practice by researching a place you know well.

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